Sonntag 4. November 2018, take-off, Airport Zürich. On board die Europameisterinnen aus der Schweiz (v.l.r. Noémie Kornfeld, Elena Quirici, Nina Radjenovic, Maya Schärer und Ramona Brüderlin).
1970 wurde die erste WM in Tokyo, 1972 die legendäre WM mit dem Titel-Gewinn von Frankreich (Dominique Valera, Gilbert Gruss, Francis Didier, Guy Sauvin, Alain Setrouk, François Petitdemange) im Team-Kumite in Paris ausgetragen. In Madrid finden nun die 24. Weltmeisterschaften statt. Der Gastgeber richtete die Titelkämpfe bereist 1980 und 2002 aus. Zum zweiten Mal, nach Linz 2016, findet die Weltmeisterschaft unter der Prämisse als olympische Disziplin statt. Madrid ist, nach dem Olympischen Jugendspielen dieses Jahr in Buenos Aires und dem K1 Premier League Finalturnier in Tokyo der Höhepunkt überhaupt 2018.
Austragungsort ist die Sporthalle ViZink Center, Madrid. Das Schweizer Team setzt sich zusammen aus: Roland Zolliker (Delegationsleiter), Marc Keller (Vizepräsident SKF), Daniel Humbel (Chef Leistungssport), die Nationaltrainer Franco Pisino, Roland Pfäffli und Michelle Saner, Physiotherapeut Mitko Bogoev, Fotograf Boris Radjenovic und die WKF-Referees Piero Lüthold, Daniel Brunner und Mirko Bisaro. Für die WKF im Einsatz ist Dominique Sigillo (Para-Karate).
Das Team Schweiz wurde – auf Vorschlag des Chef Leistungssport Daniel Humbel, in Konsultation mit den Nationaltrainern Franco Pisino (Kumite) und Michelle Saner (Kata) – durch den Selektionsausschuss SKF nominiert.
Schweizer Einsätze
Dienstag, 6. November
10.00 Uhr Yuki Ujihara, Kata
12.00 Uhr Melinda Mark, Kata
14.30 Uhr Ramona Brüderlin, +68 kg
17.30 Uhr Julian Shane,-84 kg
19.00 Uhr Elena Quirici, -68 kg
Mittwoch, 7. November
12.00 Uhr Noémie Kornfeld, – 61 kg
13.15 Uhr Salim Tawfik, -67 kg
15.00 Uhr Maya Schärer, -55 kg
Donnerstag, 8. November
15.00 Uhr Team-Kumite Frauen (Elena Quirici, Ramona Brüderlin, Noémie Kornfeld, Nina Radjenovic, Maya Schärer)
Die Kämpfe um die Titel und Medaillen finden am Samstag und Sonntag statt.
The 2018 edition of the Karate World Championships (Text WKF) is fast becoming the biggest Karate event of all times. The competition to be held in Madrid (Spain) from November 6 to 11 is breaking all records in terms of organisation and participation, as excitement grows among Karate fans worldwide to get to know the new heroes of the sport. No less than 1200 competitors from 139 countries have confirmed their participation at the event. These numbers represent a record-breaking attendance of competitors in the tournament and a showcase of the growing interest of Karate around the world.
The previous edition of the Karate World Championships which was held in 2016 in Linz (Austria) registered 1049 athletes from 110 countries. In 2014, in the event which took place in Bremen (Germany), over 700 competitors from 116 took part in the competition. The 2012 World Championships in Paris (France) are regarded as one of the pinnacle Karate events of all times and it had 990 karatekas from 116 nations competing at the tournament.
“A look to the countries participating in the Karate World Championships in Madrid clearly demonstrates the universality of our sport. Karate is practised all over the world, as it is stated in the fact that 192 National Federations comprise the World Karate Federation. With over 140 of these National Federations represented – one way or the other – at the event, we can definitively showcase the impressive global appeal of our sport. This proves that the event is already on its way to be a huge success; these Championships are poised to be truly memorable, and the best one yet,” said WKF President Antonio Espinós.
Karatekas from all five continents and from all the corners of the world will be represented at the 2018 Karate World Championships. Russia with 27 athletes, Egypt and Romania with 24 competitors and hosts of Spain with 22 participants present the largest delegations in Madrid.
The tournament is also set to break all records in terms of coverage. The 2018 Karate World Championships will be broadcast in 182 countries. In addition to many TV networks and platforms around the world, the event will be followed on and on WKF social media channels.
In yet another showcase of the record-breaking event to be held in Madrid in less than two weeks, the Para-Karate competition of the upcoming World Championships will also break all the participation records. No less than 106 Para-Karate athletes from 33 countries will take part in the tournament in Madrid.
This number of registered athletes reflects a 50% increase with the 2016 World Championships in Linz, thus confirming the expansion of the modality. Athletes from all over the world and from all five continents are expected in Madrid.