EM 2016 J-4La Fédération Française de Karaté et Disciplines Associées et la Fédération Européenne de Karaté (EKF) organiseront du jeudi 5 au dimanche 8 mai 2016, la 51ème édition des Championnats d’Europe de Karaté seniors à Montpellier. Foto: France Karaté.

The European Championship, held every year since 1966, is unavoidable for all European athletes, who will compete in the best conditions to win one of 16 awarded titles (12 fights categories and 4 categories kata). This 51st edition, organised in France, will be a milestone in the preparation of the next World Senior Championship that will be held in November 2016 (Austria). Many athletes won’t miss this unique opportunity to confront themselves to European elite.

4 years after the success of the World Senior Karate Championships in Paris 2012, the French Karate Federation takes up the challenge of organising a new international competition. 35,000 spectators are expected to support the 500 competitors representing 50 nations. This major competition of the year will be a popular celebration and the opportunity for Suisse karateka to show their involvement in the development of the discipline.

Event Schedule

Mittwoch / Wednesday 4. Mai
10.00 – 15.00 Registration: Franco Pisino, David Baumann, Michelle Saner
12.00 – 14.00 EKF Technical Commission Meeting: Dominique Sigillo
16.00 – 19.00 EKF Congress: Roland Zolliker, Marc Keller Katherine Broder (Liechtenstein)
19.30 – 20.30 EKF Referee Briefing: Piero Lüthold, Daniel Brunner, Bisaro Mirko,
Katherine Broder, Pham Truong-Linh, Hakan Güldür

Programm Vorentscheidungen, Halb-Finale, Hoffnungsrunden der SKF-Karatekas:

Donnerstag / Thursday 5. Mai
09.00 – 10.00 Weigh-In Männer alle Kategorien
10.30 – 11.15 Weigh-In Frauen
09.00 – 11.00 Melinda Mark, Mirko de Pascalis (Kata)
11.00 – 12.15 Florian Weber, -84 kg
12.15 – 13.15 Fanny Clavien, +68 kg, Elena Quirici, -68 kg
13.15 – 14.30 Kujtim Bajrami, -67 kg
14.30 – 15.30 Ramona Brüderlin, -61 kg
15.30 – 16.30 Gaétan Délétroz, -60 kg
17.30 Hoffnungsrunden alle Kategorien

Freitag, 6. Mai
12.30 – 14.30 Team-Kumite Frauen (Clavien, Quirici, Brüderlin, Kornfeld)
14.30 – 16.30 Hoffnungsrunden
17.30 Eröffnungszeremonie

Die Begegnungen um die Bronzemedaillen und die Titelkämpfe werden am Samstag, 7. Mai ab 09.30 Uhr ausgetragen. Team-Kumite Frauen: Bronzematches ab 16.40 Uhr, Titelentscheidung ab 19.00 Uhr.

EM Montpellier 2016 large

Alle Kämpfe Live unter WKF You Tube Kanal:


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